Players who visit regularly throughout the year may not see this as too challenging, but Atlantic City does have some seasonality to it.
Players who would tend to visit during peak season (Memorial Day through Labor Day) will now have a more difficult time maintaining their status in the short term, as the next reset will be on July 1. This is a trend that’s been happening in other casinos, which basically requires more frequent visits. Ocean’s tier cycle has been reduced (at least for now) from 12 months to 6 months. The changes this time around are more incremental than anything else, but there are some significant changes involved. These changes have ranged from the benign to the controversial at one point they expired a lot of peoples’ comp dollars without warning, for instance. Ocean Casino is still a relatively new player in the market, having only been open a couple of years now, but they’ve been among the most aggressive in making changes to their players club over time.
Click here for the latest version of the program, which launched as of July 1, 2021. UPDATE 7/2/21: Ocean has changed its program… again.